Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Couple Things to Get Over

Bored? Here are a couple things to get over while you're waiting for your life to get started.
  1. Your timeline. Time is not yours to control. Sorry.
  2. Yourself. It's exhausting being too into yourself.
  3. Stressing. It doesn't get anything done and the only thing it produces is acne breakouts.
  4. Sleep. You can sleep when you're dead. And for those of you who never sleep, get over being awake; You're not missing anything. ;-)
  5. Your phone. Put your phone down and pay attention to the conversation you're having, please. Unless your phone can cure cancer and fly or transport you, it's still not that cool.
  6. That person you can't forgive. Not forgiving them and letting them know it is tantamount to engaging them in a wrestling match. They can't walk away, but you can't move on either.
  7. Endless conversations about saving the world. Don't talk about it; Be about it.
  8. Your ex. The relationship wasn't that great and neither was he (or she). And you know it.
  9. Crocs. They're unattractive. If you're over the age of 5 and don't work in a hospital, put them away.
  10. Your routine. When life goes as planned, it's pretty boring.
  11. That habit you've been trying to kick. By get over it, I don't mean give up; I mean kick the habit.
  12. Being normal. According to statistics, normal people are stressed, angry, unhappy, divorced (if they were married), and financially unstable. So stop trying to fit in and shoot for something extraordinary.

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