Thursday, August 25, 2011

Take Heart

The heart is a lonely thing to lose in the dead of the night; The heart is a sad thing to lose in the throes of a fight.... The heart is the dream, and the kiss, that there could be more than this, to keep it burning.
                                                        -Caedmon's Call

     I believe that battles are won and lost in the heart. For example you can say you forgive someone and know that you ought to and have determined in your mind to, but unless it reaches your heart, the peace which comes from forgiveness is absent. Similarly, you can say you love someone and make up your mind to go about doing so but unless your heart is in it, the declarations and actions feel hollow to you and to the recipient. And how many times have we seen athletes walk off the field after a lackluster match and thought regarding the performance, "no heart." After all, all issues of life flow out of the heart. So, if you're fighting for something, but your heart is not in it, it will show in the way you do or don't fight. That's why the lyrics above from the Caedmon's Call song "Manner and Means" resonated so strongly within me. If you're believing for something, then realize that the battle is going to be won on a realm that is unseen. When we are in tough situations- and we will all face tough situations, we need to guard our hearts and ensure that we are surrounding ourselves with faith via the Word and people who speak the Word into our lives. In Proverbs 24:10 it says, "If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small." I was at a conference when I first came across that verse and the speaker explained it by saying that adversity reveals how strong you really are and how strong you think God is. This really challenged me about how strong I think God is. If I really believe in the God of the Bible, the God who parted the Red Sea, provided the Israelites with manna from Heaven, calls things into being, raised the dead, and led captivity captive, then I need to do more than believe. I need to plunge into His promises. The Bible says that same power lives within us. (Romans 8:11) So what if we acted like that was true? Boldly approach the throne of the Father with confidence; It's a throne of grace from which we can receive in a time of need.

                                                        Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. omg muna this is the first blog of urs that i read and i am without words!! muna u r gifted and u need to embrace ur gift!! if it comes easy to u and u do t really think twice about ot, thats a good sign that ur on the right track concerning ur purpose!! u r gifted with talent that supports ur purpose! post ur blog on FB so more ppl read this!!! seriously! this blog is soooo good--relevant powerful and practical! :) so proud of you!! xxoo
